SR Ep. 3: Halloween
On this episode of ScreenRun, The Lady Wan and Chris Scalzo are joined by Shawn of the SIVAKO: Road to Avatar podcast to discuss the seminal slasher, John Carpenter’s classic ‘Halloween’.
2 years ago

SR Ep. 3: Halloween
On this episode of ScreenRun, The Lady Wan and Chris Scalzo are joined by Shawn of the SIVAKO: Road to Avatar podcast to discuss the seminal slasher, John Carpenter’s classic ‘Halloween’. Carpenter delivers THE genre-defining slasher with the introduction of Michael Myers and the slaughter of some babysitters. Were there similar films before? Sure. But Carpenter and crew define the genre and establish the template that would influence filmmakers and horror fans forever. After all this time though, could all that talk just be hyperbole? (Come on, no. But it’s a hell of a lot of fun to revisit and discuss this horror classic!)
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