SR Ep. 1: Clerks
Welcome to ScreenRun, the movie podcast that focus each season on one particular director, actor, series, or whatever strained subjects your erstwhile hosts can come up with. The Lady Wan and Chris Scalzo kick off the inaugural season with the works of Kevin Smith. First up, is Smith’s wrecking ball of a comedy that blew up the indie scene back in 1994, ‘Clerks’.

Season 1, Episode 1: Clerks
Welcome to ScreenRun, the movie podcast that focus each season on one particular director, actor, series, or whatever strained subjects your erstwhile hosts can come up with. The Lady Wan and Chris Scalzo kick off the inaugural season with the works of Kevin Smith. First up, is Smith’s wrecking ball of a film that blew up the indie scene back in 1994, ‘Clerks’. It’s been 27 years since the film was released, bewitching fans of filthy comedies of which The Lady Wan and Chris count themselves. But how have those intervening years treated the once shocking comedy? Listen on true believers and experience the first episode of ScreenRun. So again, welcome all of you film podcast cuties! Tell a friend! And join us on our tour of Mr. Kevin Smith’s oeuvre.
Tube of Wonder by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey
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